The key purpose of manmade structures is to ‘protect’ our coastlines in some way.

Seawalls & promenades

Masonry structures built to high tide level running parallel to the beach, they protect the beach from wave action, coastal erosion and create a safer environment for beach activities


Are built perpendicular to the shore, adjacent to inlets and harbours, the solid structure of a jetty protects the beach from tidal currents, positioned high above water level it provides an access means out to sea

Wooden Posts

Positioned perpendicular from the beach toward the sea, these limit the movement of vehicles on the beach. Caution is required as they can be submerged at high tide

These manmade structures can pose a hazard for sea users, follow these safety tips:

  • Keep away from manmade structures when swimming as they can create very strong currents
  • Never jump or dive off manmade structures as it is difficult to tell what may lie underneath or gauge the depth of the water
  • Never climb onto or run along manmade structures
  • Walk on manmade structures with caution, be aware of slippery, wet and even surfaces
  • Be careful of sharp areas on manmade structures
  • Always follow any safety signs posted in relation to manmade structures

Manmade structures on the North Coast beaches:

  • Seawalls & promenades – East Strand and West Strand Portrush
  • Jettys – Bar
  • Wooden posts – Castlerock and Portstewart
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